
Wollt ihr selber eine Reise machen, weitere Informationen haben oder einfach nur mal Fragen, Wünsche und Anregungen los werden, dann könnt ihr uns gerne kontaktieren und wir versuchen schnell zu antworten 🙂

2 Gedanken zu „Kontakt

  1. Gday, Jens and Katharina, Das is Wolfgang here, Good to see your holidays are still going well. What was the major problem with the car at Alice Spring? Hope the Bill was not to much of a shock as there is nothing cheap in the Alice. We arrived back in Mount Magnet today, and heading to Sandstone in a couple of days. Up to now I have got 8 and a 1/2 ounces of gold, with some luck I should have 10 ounces by the time we get back to Kalgoorlie. The weather has changed a fair bit since you were here as it is quite cool and raining at the moment. Thank You for the kind words in your post. It was our pleasure to help out, and it was a delight to have at our campfire. Take Care and Travel Safe.
    Wolfgang and Maureen. ( and Nugget )

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